
Sayers' No. 1

A refreshing summer fruit cup made with triple sec and elderflower cordial, on a base of gin infused with the peel of oranges and lemons. Makes 70cl of fruit cup, 2.8L when mixed to serve.



  1. Peel the oranges and lemons and place in an air-tight container.
  2. Pour the gin over the peel. Make sure the peel is entirely submerged.
  3. Seal the container and leave for 3–6 days.
  4. Pour the gin through a sieve or collander into a jug and dispose of the peel.
  5. Mix in the Triple Sec and Elderflower Cordial.
  6. Pour into a bottle and seal.


Mix one part Sayers’ No. 1 with three parts lemonade, and serve over crushed ice with fresh mint.


Bottle label