
Gnocchi gorgonzola

Serves 2. Takes 30 mins.

  1. Water in a saucepan: not too much, and no salt. We're going to use it to thicken the sauce
  2. Bring the water to boil and dump in the gnocchi
  3. Put a big knob of butter in the wok
  4. Crush the garlic and put it on the butter
  5. Pour olive oil over the top of the butter/garlic mountain
  6. When the gnocchi is starting to float, put the wok over medium heat
  7. Using a measuring cup, take a bunch of the gnocchi water
  8. Strain the gnocchi in a collander or sieve
  9. By now the butter will have melted and the garlic will be frying. Add the gnocchi to the wok
  10. Sprinkle over some appropriate herbs.
  11. Toss the gnocchi in the butter with the garlic and herbs, then let it fry until it starts to brown
  12. Make a clearing, pour in some pasta cooking water, and add in the gorgonzola
  13. When the cheese has melted, strir in the gnocchi
  14. Add more pasta water until the sauce is the right consistency