Hi, I'm Alex!
I'm originally from Northumberland, England.
I studied Physics and Philosophy at Oxford.
I lived in Switzerland for a few years, where I worked as a software engineer, writing Haskell.
Since then, I've been living in Japan and working for Tsuru Capital.
I'm still a software engineer, but these days I write Rust.
You can contact me by email at alex@<this domain>
Recipe book
About me
- I do aikido at Azabu Dojo.
- I sing with Tokyo Embassy Choir and the Tokyo Chamber Singers.
- I play the sanshin, which is a sort of Okinawan banjo.
- I also love skiing and camping.
Old stuff
- tass: A pager for tabular data.
- livesort: Like 'sort' but with live preview.
- cbdr: Helps you run validation benchmarks in your CI.
- orpa: Track which commits you've reviewed.
- tailsrv:
tail -f
in server form
- git-absolve: Shows the number of lines modified by each person.
- repay: Computes the most efficient way for everyone to repay their debts.
- Maybe some other stuff too?
Old stuff
Old stuff
- priomutex: A mutex where where high-priority threads get woken up first.
- panic-monitor: Lets you block until some thread panics.
- burst_pool: An SPMC channel for opportunistic work-stealing.
- easybench: A minimalistic benchmarking framework.
- bitset: A fixed-size bitset.